Muxcast Capacity Allocation policy
Our approach to capacity allocation
We have rates for two types of capacity on our multiplex – Reserved capacity and Commercial capacity.
Under the terms of our licence, we are required to reserve capacity for a specified number of C-DSP license holders as follows:
Other than those services operating under reserved capacity, all other services operate on fully commercial terms. We refer to this remaining capacity as ‘Commercial Capacity’ although this capacity can be taken up by any type of operator including C-DSP holders (for example if all reserved capacity has been allocated), Commercial or Community Radio DSP holders and the BBC.
This document demonstrates our approach to allocating capacity:
We will allocate reserved capacity to C-DSP holders on the following basis:
C-DSP holders named in the relevant multiplex application will have first allocation of reserved capacity during a prescribed window during which they must be granted an Ofcom C-DSP license for the specified multiplex.
Once this window expires, they will be able to apply for any remaining reserved capacity at the time their C-DSP is granted in the same way as any operator not named in the multiplex application.
We will allocate any unused reserved capacity to C-DSP holders that have been granted an Ofcom C-DSP license for the specified multiplex and completed the join form on the Muxcast website based in order of the dates at which both these processes are completed.
Please note we will not reserve capacity for applicants intending to apply for a C-DSP – you must actually hold a C-DSP license before we allocate reserved capacity and then complete the join form.
The date at which both processes are completed determines the order in which we will allocate capacity.
The ratecard for CDSP capacity is available on our website.
We will expect all those taking reserved capacity to:
- Agree to our trading terms and conditions within 7 days of being offered capacity and receiving a draft contract (whichever is later).
- Prepay annually in advance for their capacity.
- Hold all appropriate licenses to operate including a C-DSP license nominated for this multiplex throughout.
- Be in a position to launch their service within 12 weeks of multiplex launch/being allocated capacity on the multiplex (whichever is later).
If there is an excess of stations wishing to take reserved capacity we will operate a waiting list based on the later of the date that the station completed the join form on the Muxcast or was granted a C-DSP for the multiplex by Ofcom.
Any stations on the reserved capacity waiting list may wish to consider taking commercial capacity as an alternative to reserved capacity.
In order to avoid unutilised capacity, we will expect C-DSP operators to be in a position to take up reserved capacity within 12 weeks of launch/being allocated capacity by the multiplex (whichever is later) and reserve the right to move the C-DSP holder to the back of any waiting list if this is not achieved.
If we have excess supply of reserved capacity the space remains unused – this is an Ofcom requirement.
We will first approach the operators named in our application to offer them commercial capacity during a prescribed window.
Once this window expires, they will be able to apply for any remaining commercial capacity through the process for those not named in the application.
For operators not named in our application we will process expressions of interest in the order they are received on the join form on the Muxcast website.
We will expect all those taking commercial capacity to:
- Agree to our trading terms and conditions within 7 days of being offered capacity and receiving a draft contract (whichever is later).
- Prepay annually in advance for capacity.
- Hold all appropriate licenses to operate throughout.
- Be in a position to launch their service within 12 weeks of multiplex launch/being allocated capacity on the multiplex (whichever is later).
In order to avoid unutilised capacity, we will expect those taking commercial capacity to be in a position to take up contract offers within 7 days of being offered capacity and receiving a draft contract (whichever is later) and launch within 12 weeks of multiplex launch/being allocated capacity by the multiplex (whichever is later) and we reserve the right to move the operator to the back of any waiting list if this is not achieved.
If there is an excess of commercial capacity (for example, if those named in our application do not take up capacity or we have listed fewer services in our application than there is capacity available) then we will hold a waiting list based on the date of first expression of interest via the join form was received at Muxcast.
In the event that supply outstrips demand, excess commercial capacity might, at the discretion of the Board be offered for short term services or to enhance the bit rate of stations operating on the multiplex on a short term basis or remain unutilised.
As our experience in this emerging sector grows, we reserve the right to make changes to this policy at any time. Any changes to the policy will be made available on our website.
Martin Mumford
Managing Director
November 2024
Change Log
V1.0 – First published 22.4.21
V1.1 – Change to arrangements for CDSP capacity
V1.2 – Updated Jan 22 – changes to capacity allocations
V2.0 – Full rewrite and reissue August 23 to accommodate multiple multiplexes
V2.1 – Minor changes – revised list of multiplexes involved
V2.2 - Minor changes - revised list of multiplexes involved